Children's Wellbeing and Kinesiology Therapy
Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual, enabling them to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what they want out of life. Children with learning and developmental disorders may experience considerably more stress and anxiety than typically developing children and this can impact both their health and wellbeing.
Stress can directly affect the immune system leaving the body less able to combat illness and children with ASD are often more prone to viral infections and allergies such as hay fever and eczema and sensitivities to foods.
The parents of children with ASD often have to deal with significant levels of emotional trauma, stress and exhaustion as they try and help their child overcome their daily difficulties and prepare them for what is coming in the future. A child’s wellbeing will be affected by the wellbeing of their parents so it is essential that parents take time for themselves in this respect.
Kids In Sync collaborates with Outstanding Lives International, based in Barnet who offer a complete healing experience. Each treatment, or combination of treatments, is unique to each person and is selected according to the individual’s needs, promoting the body’s own ability to balance, restore and renew itself. Emotional healing techniques include NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), hypnosis and other approaches such as kinesiology and aromatherapy. Working holistically, to balance the body, mind, spirit and emotions alleviates stress, boosts energy and optimises health and well-being on all levels.