Physiotherapy For Children
The main aim of physiotherapy is to enable a child to participate as fully as possible at home and in school and when playing with their friends. Children’s physiotherapy uses exercises, play activities and games to improve motor ability. In addition specialist equipment may be used. Advice is given to the family and school to include specific motor activity within the child’s day to supplement physiotherapy sessions.
Physiotherapists work with children and babies who may have the following concerns:
Children who are born with evident problems with movement of neurological origin, eg. cerebral palsy
Young children who are slow to develop gross motor skills such as sitting, standing, walking
Children who have co-ordination difficulties which affects their participation with their friends and at school, eg. developmental coordination disorder
Joint hypermobility syndrome
Organising and sequencing movement, eg. dyspraxia
Global developmental delay
Children with motor difficulties related to a genetic condition
The Physiotherapist initially assesses the child to identify the areas that need addressing and then the findings are discussed with the parents so that an intervention plan may be devised.
Intervention may include:
Individual or group sessions of direct physiotherapy in the clinic
Direct physiotherapy within school
Home and/or school programmes
Referral to another professional, eg. Orthotist, Speech & Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, etc.
The Physiotherapist liaises closely with other therapists, teaching staff and medical personnel who may be involved with your child.