Child Assessments
To book a Child Assessment, click the button below to send a request. Please include your preferred contact method (email/mobile) and let us know if you would prefer to visit our North London or South West London Centre. We will contact you within 24 hours to arrange a convenient time.

What happens at a Child Assessment?
The assessment is a two hour process with one of our Paediatric Occupational and Sensory therapists. We will first ask you to fill out a parent questionnaire and sensory profile for your child and will also provide a sensory profile for their school teacher or school SENCo to complete. We will ask you to bring along any relevant reports and letters concerning your child’s diagnosis and difficulties and will review this information alongside your completed questionnaire and sensory profiles.
The two hour assessment usually takes place at the clinic (as we have all the necessary equipment there) but we can also assess at home or in school if required. We will asses your child using a variety of different assessment tools as appropriate. This will generally involve assessment of your child whilst moving, performing desk top tasks and through conversation and clinical observation in the sensory integration room. Assessments used include the Movement ABC, Beery VMI visual perceptual test, REAL (assessment of daily living skills), DASH handwriting test and others according to the child’s difficulties.
It is sometimes useful to observe your child at school, nursery or college to gain further insight into the difficulties they are experiencing and this will always be done as part of an EHCP assessment, where implementation of recommendations will be carried out in the education setting.
After the assessment, you will receive a full report analysing all the information and findings and making recommendations on how to help your child at home and school as well as any therapy sessions. It may be necessary for you and your child to meet with other therapists eg speech and language, kinesiologist/biomedical specialist, behavioural therapist, in order to gain a more comprehensive view and these options will be discussed at the initial assessment.