What happens in a Therapy Session?
It is very likely that the child assessment process or consultation will recommend the need for one to one occupational therapy sessions with sensory integration. You can also book therapy sessions without having had an assessment, if your child has been recently assessed elsewhere. Therapy sessions are usually conducted in one of our sensory integration clinics. They are of an hour’s duration and delivered by one of the Paediatric Occupational and Sensory Therapists. Children usually receive a block of weekly sessions initially (8 to 10 sessions) during which time positive developments will be seen. According to how they are responding, children may then go on to receive a second block of therapy.
You may find your child requires top up sessions at a later date once they have finished their initial block of treatment. We are always happy to speak to you about any concerns and will guide you in the most appropriate course of action. If you want to talk to another parent about their experiences at Kids In Sync, we would also be very happy to arrange this.
We are always interested to hear how our children are progressing, how they have overcome their initial difficulties, what new skills they have mastered and how they are getting on in general. We look forward to being of service to you and in helping your child overcome their challenges and realise their true potential.